Participation in the CITISPYCE Policy Workshop:” Young people coping with inequalities – between fatalism, frustration and innovation” held in Brussels

Date of event: Thu, 10/09/2015

The CITISPYCE Policy Workshop: Young people coping with inequalities – between fatalism, frustration and innovation was held in Brussels this past September 10, 2015. Dr. Olga Jubany, director of the ESRU presented the methodological approach. The purpose of this transnational meeting was to share research findings from over 20 detailed Case Studies of socially innovative practices by and for young people and a set of 9 pilots designed to test criteria for successful transferability from one country to another. Additionally, the consortium aimed to explore the potential of the CITISPYCE findings to assist EU policy-makers in improving the design and implementation of policies aimed at mitigating young people’s inequalities through in-depth dialogue between researchers and policy officers.