Dr. Fabiola Mancinelli
Researcher and lecturer
dr. fabiola mancinelli
Fabiola holds a PhD in Social Anthropology (University of Barcelona), a MA in Ethnographic and Ethnological sciences (University of Milan Bicocca), a MA in Marketing Management and Business Communication (Impr&Form, Bari), a BA in Philosophy (University of Naples). While developing her academic career, she has worked in advertising and gained two decades of experience as an international tour guide. This latter experience has been the trigger of her main research interest in tourism and travel culture. She has studied tour group travel, tourism development and heritage-making processes in postcolonial contexts, and the touristic uses of memory. More recently, she has focused on digital nomads, a growing phenomenon intersecting lifestyle mobility and remote working practices. She has done extensive fieldwork research in Madagascar, Thailand and Mediterranean Europe and, before settling in Spain, has lived and worked in Italy, France and Northern Ireland.
Since the completion of her PhD in 2013, she has presented papers at several international conferences; written chapters for edited books; coordinated three special issues and published articles in peer-reviewed journals in five different languages (including Information Technology & Tourism; International Journal of Tourism Anthropology; Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change; Anthropologie et Sociétés, Pasos Revista de turismo y patrimonio cultural).
Her book L’invention d’une tribu. Art ethnique, patrimoine immatériel et tourisme dans une communauté de Madagascar (L’Harmattan, 2017) provides innovative insights for understanding the links between the UNESCO recognition and economics, as well as the controversial power/knowledge relations at play in the creation of tourism narratives in postcolonial contexts.
Fabiola has been co-convenor of ANTHROMOB (2018-2022), the EASA network of Anthropology and Mobility, a member of the Editorial Committee of the Worlds in Motion series (Berghan Books) and part of the Editorial team of the journal Quaderns de l’Institut Català d’Antropologia.
She is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Anthropology of the University of Barcelona, where she teaches Anthropology of Tourism, Ethnologic Heritage and Museology in the BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology and New Trends in the Demand of Urban Tourism Destinations in the MA in Urban Tourism.
Recent publications:
Mancinelli, F. (2022) Reseña de The World is Our Classroom. Extreme Parenting and the Rise of Worldschooling, de Jennie Germann Molz. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), pp. 1–2
Mancinelli, F. (2022) Digital Nomads. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 957-960
Brigidi, S; Mancinelli, F.; Leyva-Moral Juan M.; Ausona Bieto, M. (2022) Privilegios, género y ‘dignidad del tiempo’ en mujeres-madres-trabajadoras en la época de la covid-19. Dins Alberto del Campo Tejedor (eds) La vida cotidiana en tiempos de la COVID. Una antropología de la pandemia. Los Libros de la Catarata, pp. 141-155
Mancinelli, F. (2021) Art objects good to think with: the cultural significance of Zafimaniry woodcraft. Africa in the UNESCO Art Collection, Paris, Unesco, pp. 175-177
Mancinelli, F. (2021) Lifestyle Migrations in the Asia Pacific: A Socio-Anthropological Review, MMAP Working Paper, No. 4. Migration and Mobility in the Asia Pacific, Monash University Malaysia.
Brigidi, S.; Ausona Bieto, M.; Mancinelli, F.; Leyva-Morales, J.M. (2021) El confinamiento de mujeres madres trabajadoras de clase media-alta en perspectiva interseccional. Una reflexión en torno a la dignidad del tiempo. Dins Aránguez Sánchez Tasia i Ozana Olariu (coords) Feminismo digital. Violencia contra las mujeres y brecha sexista en internet, Madrid, Dykinson, pp.230-247
MANCINELLI, F., FÀBREGA, E. (2020) Moverse para ser. Identidad y nuevos imaginarios de valores en la experiencia de nómadas digitales y jubilados expatriados. In Intersecciones encarnadas. [Con]textos en género, identidad y diversidad. Eds: Olga Jubany/ Oscar Guasch. Publisher: Edicions Bellaterra.
MANCINELLI, F. (2019) “El turismo y el lugar de la memoria: Representaciones, discursos y poderes plurales”. Dins Glenda Melo i Maria Amalia Olivera (eds) Memória e Turismo: roteiros, trajetórias, discursos e subjetividades em construção, Edicions de la Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
MANCINELLI, F. (2018) A Review of “Making the modern primitive”. Tourism Geographies, 20(4): 758-760.
MANCINELLI, F. (2018) “A practice of togetherness: Home imaginings in the life of location-independent families”, International Journal of Tourism Anthropology, 6 (4): 307-322
MANCINELLI, F. (2017) L’invention d’une tribu. Art ethnique, patrimoine immatériel et tourisme dans une communauté de Madagascar. París: L’Harmattan.
PALOU, S.; MANCINELLI, F. (2016) “El turismo como refractor”. Quaderns de l’Institut Catalá d’Antropologia, 32: 5-28. Dins PALOU, S.; MANCINELLI, F. (ed.) (2016) Diàlegs d’Antropologia i Turisme. Quaderns de l’Institut Catalá d’Antropologia, 32.
MANCINELLI, F. (2016) “Shifting values of ‘primitiveness’ among the Zafimaniry of Madagascar: an anthropological approach to tourist mediator discourses”, dins PICARD D.; CROSSLEY E. (ed.) Regimes of value in tourism. Nova York: Routledge.