The PEARL project comes to an end!

This week, the PEARL consortium concluded its two-year effort with the Final Project Event in Paris. Dedicated to developing the PEARL e-course and a Toolbox for professionals, on December 11th, we proudly unveiled the project outcomes and launched the online participatory space along with the inaugural issue of the PEARL magazine. The comprehensive e-course targets […]

Being “left-behind”? Updates on the EXIT project

Being “left-behind”? The relevance of inequalities and their territorial dimension has become increasingly prominent in academic debate and political discourse. This issue gained particular attention after the Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump in 2016. It is in this context that, at the end of 2022, the project EXIT: Exploring sustainable strategies to counteract […]

Kick-off MORE project

MORE: Motivations, experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives The returns and readmissions policies constitute an essential part of the European Union and its member states’ response to irregular migration. These policies have led to a reduction in pathways to safeguard the rights of migrant populations across Europe. The […]

The EXIT project kicks off!

Areas that are ‘left behind’? Territorial Inequalities in eight European Countries The EXIT research project aims to explore the causes and implications of socio-economic inequalities from a territorial perspective, proposing ways to address these inequalities through action research using an interdisciplinary and multisite approach, with the participation of communities on the ground. The project is […]

Webinar on Restorative Justice

On Friday November the 20th Olga Jubany, Ignacio Elpidio Domínguez, and Malin Roiha are going to participate in the webinar “La justícia restaurativa davant de delictes d’odi i discriminació”, organised by the Direcció General d’Execució Penal a la Comunitat i de Justícia Juvenil and the Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada of the Generalitat de Catalunya’s Justice Department.  The webinar is included as part of the European Restorative Justice Week, and in this event the ESRU […]

Publication of “The Unspoken Legacy of Asylum”, a chapter within The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism

Professor Olga Jubany, director of the ESRU, has recently published the chapter The Unspoken Legacy of Asylum Racism, Nationalism, and the Neo‐colonialist Social Construction of Asylum Policies within The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism, published by Wiley. The chapter analyses the asylum phenomenon from the perspective of the social construction of otherness, and it does […]

Vulnerable to the System: Migration and Torture in Spain, by Olga Jubany, Martina Pasqualetto, and Alèxia Rué

The publication of Vulnerable to the System: Migration and Torture in Spain by Olga Jubany, Martina Pasqualetto, and Alèxia Rué, under Fabio Perocco’s Torture and Migration, has already received a series of reviews and comments: Recensione di G. Avallone, Destini che si scontrano con la brutalità dell’«ordine pubblico», il Manifesto, 18.03.2020. SOS Sanità Blog Lavoro e […]

Let’sGoByTalking Kick-off meeting

Les Universitats de Girona i de Barcelona van acollir la kick-off meeting del projecte europeu Let’sGoByTalking. Protecting and defending the rights of anti-LGBT hate crimes: Innovative paths through restorative justice, coordinat per Olga Jubany. Representants dels membres del consorci, diverses universitats i organitzacions europees, van visitar Barcelona durant dos dies de debats, decisions i planificació.

Conferència Final SupportVoC

  La Conferència Internacional de SupportVoC: “A Single View for a Multiple Reality: the Femicide Case” va ser tot un èxit. Un públic de més de 200 persones va omplir el recinte d’Innovathens, al Technopolis d’Atenes. Els assistents van poder escoltar a expertes com Martina Klett-Davis (London School of Economics) i Lesley Simmonds (University of Plymouth) […]