About us

The European Social Research Unit (ESRU) is integrated in the Department of Social Anthropology of the University of Barcelona, and works closely with the Research Group on Gender, Identity and Diversity (GENI). Dedicated to developing applied and academic anthropological research in the fields of identity, discrimination, othering and social control, the ESRU provides a strategic, integrated approach to understanding sex-gendered constructs, racism and racialized identities, and migration processes. Currently, at the ESRU, we are conducting research on the specific areas of territorial inqualities, platform governance, and asylum processes. The research undertaken by the ESRU stems from the ethnographic tradition of anthropology, adopting an intersectional approach whilst reconciling the in-depth conceptual debate with a pragmatic analytical framework, allowing for our findings to go beyond analysis to produce applied outcomes.

Staff Members

Dr. Olga Jubany
Full Professor Director of the European Social Research Unit

dr. Joan Bestard Camps
Professor Emeritus

dr. oscar guasch
senior lecturer

DR. Rosa Lázaro Castellanos
Researcher and lecturer

Dr. fabiola mancinelli
Researcher and Lecturer

Dr. Malin Roiha

dr. Alèxia Rué
postdoctoral Researcher

dr. emma fàbrega domènech
postdoctoral researcher

dr. sevda tunaboylu
juan de la cierva postdoctoral researcher

Research Projects


Jubany, O.; Roca, J.; Mancinelli, F. (eds.) (2023) Categorías desbordadas: cuestionando etiquetas, jerarquías y alteridades. Barcelona: Bellaterra Edicions.

Domínguez Ruiz, I. E. (2023) Tú a Soria, yo a Barcelona. O cómo cambian las vidas queer en función de dónde vivamos. Barcelona-Madrid Egales.

Jubany, O. (2023) Disappearing rooms. The hidden theaters of immigration law. Ethnic and Racial Studies.

Domínguez Ruiz, I. E.; Mancha-Cáceres, O. I.; Pichardo, J. I. (2023) Returning to the gaybourhood: Expectations of resilience and recovery of Chueca (Madrid) after the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Tourism Research, 35.

Domínguez Ruiz, I. E. (2023) La dimensión espacial de la victimización anti-LGBTI en España. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 183, 21-38.

Domínguez Ruiz, I. E.; Rué, A.; Jubany, O. (2023) Police Resilience as a Multilevel Balance: Needs and Resources for Victim Support Officers. Police Quarterly, 26(2), 213-244.

Domínguez Ruiz, I. E., Rué, A. & Jubany, O. (2023). Drawing a line: boundary work in victim support police work. Policing and Society.

Mancinelli, F. & Germann Molz, J. (2023). Moving with and against the state: digital nomads and frictional mobility regimes. Mobilities.

Borelli, C., Poy, A., & Rué, A. (2023). Governing Asylum without ‘‘Being There”: Ghost Bureaucracy, Outsourcing, and the Unreachability of the State. Social Sciences12(3), 169.

Mancinelli, F. (2022) Reseña de The World is Our Classroom. Extreme Parenting and the Rise of Worldschooling, de Jennie Germann Molz.  Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), pp. 1–2

Mancinelli, F. (2022) Digital Nomads. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 957-960

Brigidi, S; Mancinelli, F.; Leyva-Moral Juan M.; Ausona Bieto, M.  (2022) Privilegios, género y ‘dignidad del tiempo’ en mujeres-madres-trabajadoras en la época de la covid-19. Dins Alberto del Campo Tejedor (eds) La vida cotidiana en tiempos de la COVID. Una antropología de la pandemia. Los Libros de la Catarata, pp. 141-155

Jubany, O.; Klett-Davies, M.; Roiha, M. (2022) Problematising the Victims’ Rights Directive From the Ground: The Implementation of Victim Support Services in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Spain. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice.

Guasch, Ò. (2022) La sociedad rosa (30 años después). Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra.

Guasch, Ò. (ed.) (2022) Salir del armario en la universidad. Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra.

Domínguez Ruiz, I. E. (2022) Between the city and the country: Heterogeneous victimization experiences among LGBTI individuals. Cogent Social Sciences 8(1).

Domínguez Ruiz, I. E.; Roiha, Malin; Jubany, O. (2022) Restorative solutions for anti-LGBT victimisation experiences: potential pathways for victims’ wellbeing and key challenges and needs. Culture, Health & Sexuality.

Jubany, O.; Rué, A. (2022) “Whose Welfare State? A Racialised Logic to [Un]Protect Immigration and Asylum in Spain”. En Perocco, F. (ed.) Racism in and for the Welfare State. London: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 141-163. ISBN: 978-3-031-06070-0

Domínguez Ruiz, I. E. (2021) De dins cap enfora i a l’inrevés: espais geogràfics i activistes al voltant del World Pride 2017. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica.

Domínguez Ruiz, I. E. (2021) Se vende diversidad: Orgullo, promoción y negocio en el World Pride. Madrid-Barcelona: Egales.

Jubany, O., Langarita Adiego, J. A., Mas Grau, J. (2021) “There is LGBTQ Life beyond the Big City”: Discourses, Representations and Experiences in Two Medium-Sized Spanish Cities. Journal of Homosexualitites

Langarita, J. A., Mas Grau, J., Albertín, P. (2021) Local government policies on sexual and gender diversity in Spain. Experiences from Alt Empordà. Local Government Studies.

Brigidi, S., Mancinelli, F., Leyva-Moral, J. M., Ausona Bieto, M. (2021) Privilegios, género y “dignidad del tiempo” en mujeres-madres-trabajadoras en la época de la COVID-19. In La vida cotidiana en tiempos de la COVID: Una antropología de la pandemia. Ed.: Alberto del Campo Tejedor. Madrid: Los libros de la catarata.

Mas Grau, J. (2021). From self-management to depathologisation: the evolution of transgender health care and rights in Spain between 1970 and 2020. Culture, Health & Sexuality.

Mancinelli, F. (2021). Lifestyle Migrations in the Asia Pacific: A Socio-Anthropological Review.

Correa, J. U., & Castellanos, R. L. (2021). Trayectorias laborales y educativas de jóvenes racializados en Catalunya desde una perspectiva interseccional. Propuestas Críticas en Trabajo Social-Critical Proposals in Social Work1(2), 97-119.

Jubany, O., Lázaro Castellanos, R. (2021) The Gender and Racial Construction of the Working Class: Temporary Mobility of Mexican Women Workers to the US and Canada. Gender Issues38, 47–64

Mancinelli, F. (2020) Nomades numériques. La mobilité comme “projet du soi”, Anthropologie et sociétés, vol. 44(2): 41-60.

Mancinelli, F. (2020) Digital nomads: freedom, responsibility and the neoliberal order. Inf Technol Tourism 22, 417–437.

Jubany, O., Rué, A. (2020) The [dis]order of the Spanish asylum reception system. In Sacramento, O., E. Challinor, & P.G. Silva, (Eds.) Quest for refuge: Reception responses from the Global North. Famalicão: Humus.

Jubany, O. (2020) The Unspoken Legacy of Asylum: Racism, nationalism and the neocolonialist underpinnings in the social construction of asylum and asylum policies. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism. Wiley Blackwell.

Jubany, O., Guasch, O. (eds.) (2020) Intersecciones encarnadas. [Con]textos en género, identidad y diversidad. Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra.

Lázaro Castellanos, R.; Jubany, Olga (2019) Precariedad laboral, segregación racializada y movilidad temporal de las mujeres. Quaderns de l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 35 p. 23-40

Jubany, O.; Pascualetto, M.; Rué, A. (2019) Vulnerable to the System: Torture and Migration in Spain. In Torture and Migration, Sapere l’Europa 5, Edizioni Ca’Foscari

Jubany, O.; Más Grau, J.; Roiha, M. (2019) From universal rights to individual protection: The application of the “Victims’ Directive” across Europe. SupportVoc co-funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme. 

Jubany, O.; Lázaro Castellanos, R. (2019) Virtual Platforms, Real Racism: Online Hate Speech in Europe in Flubacher, M-C & Hägi-Mead, S. Taboo and Transgression Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration, Integration, and Diversity, Technische Universität Dresden

Langarita, J.A; Mas Grau, J.; Jubany, O. (2019) Geografías de la diversidad sexogenérica más allà de la gran ciudad: experiencias, discursos y prácticas en dos ciudades medianas de Cataluña. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, vol. 65, 3 p. 473-492

JubanyO(2019) Multiculturalism in crisis?, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42:8, 1341-1345

Mas Grau, J. and Jubany, O. (2019) De la révolution sexuelle à l’inclusion sociale des expressions LGBT+. Le processus d’obtention des droits LGBT en Espagne, Droit et cultures, 77, 53-68.

Jubany, O.and Carles, I. (2019) Présentation, Towards an experiential, intersectional and situated approach on sexual and gender diversity. Droit et cultures, 77, 9-20

Jubany, O. and Güell, B. (2018) “Neighbourhoods’ services and social exclusion of young people in European cities”. In Local Matters: Youth in European Neighbourhoods. Social infrastructure and inequalities. Eds.: Simon Güntner/ Louis Henri Seukwa/ Anne-Marie Gehrke/ Jill Robinson. Publisher: Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main

Jubany, O. (2018). “Unmasking the cultural construction of asylum screening at borders”. in Vecchio, F. i Gerard, A, Entrapping Asylum Seekers. Londres: Palgrave MacMillan.

Jubany, O. and Roiha, M. (2018) Las palabras son armas. Discurso de odio en la red. Barcelona: Edicions UB.

Jubany, O. (2017). Screening asylum in a culture of disbelief: Truths, Denials, and Skeptical Borders. Londres: Palgrave MacMillan.

Langarita Adiego, J.A. and Mas Grau, J. (2017). “Antropología y diversidad sexual y de género en España. Hacia la construcción de una especialidad disciplinaria”Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, 72 (2), pp. 311 -334.

Lázaro Castellanos, R., & Jubany Baucells, O. (2017). Interseccionalidad del género y mercado de trabajo postfordista. La ventana. Revista de estudios de género5(46), 202-243.

Mas Grau, J. (2017). “Del transexualismo a la disforia de género en el DSM. Cambios terminológicos, misma esencia patologizante”. Revista Internacional de Sociología, 75 (2), pp. e059.


European Social Research Unit
Department of Social Anthropology
University of Barcelona
Montalegre, 6-8. 08001 Barcelona, Spain
