Webinar on Restorative Justice

On Friday November the 20th Olga Jubany, Ignacio Elpidio Domínguez, and Malin Roiha are going to participate in the webinar “La justícia restaurativa davant de delictes d’odi i discriminació”, organised by the Direcció General d’Execució Penal a la Comunitat i de Justícia Juvenil and the Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada of the Generalitat de Catalunya’s Justice Department. 

The webinar is included as part of the European Restorative Justice Week, and in this event the ESRU members will explain the research developed for the EC-funded LetsGoByTalking project. 

For more information and registration: http://cejfe.gencat.cat/ca/detalls/noticia/Jornada.-La-justicia-restaurativa-davant-de-delictes-dodi-i-discriminacio