Team members
Staff Members
Dr. Berta Güell Torrent. Postdoctoral researcher CIDOB and GEDIME/CER-Migracions, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Prof. Eleonore Kofman. Co-Director of the Social Policy Research Centre and Migration Law and Policy Unit. Joint Research Leader Department of Law and Politics. Middlesex University (UK).
Dr. Martina Klett-Davies. Lecturer and Researcher at King’s College London.
Dr. Miguel Pajares Alonso. President of the Asociació Catalana d’Ajut al Refugiat and ex-respesentative at the OECD for Spain on issues of Immigration and Labour Market.
Dr. Isabelle Carles. Senior Lecturer Université Libre de Bruxelles, Metices.
Prof. Fabio Perocco. Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
Dr. Ana Perez Declercq. Lecturer University of Salta (Argentina).
Dr. Claudia Palma. Universidad de Costa Rica.
Dr. Jose Sanchez. Doctor in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Associated Lecturer at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Dr. Lola Valles. Institut de Seguretat Pública de Catalunya.
Luke Stobart. Doctoral Researcher at the University of Hertfordshire.
Dr. Megan Comfort. Doctor in Sociology, Senior Research Sociologist in the Urban Health Program at RTI International and Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.
Dr. Nadja Monet.Doctor in Anthropology, Associated Lecturer at the Social Anthropology Department of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Renata Capella. Researcher & analyst specialized in human rights and the Middle East and lecturer at UB summer courses.
Dr. Queralt Solé Barjau. Reader at the Department of Contemporary History, Universitat de Barcelona.
ESRU also has links with different international institutions for ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility for Training
Research areas
- Inequalities: gender, origin, age
- Identity and diversity
- Social cohesion and discrimination
- Resilience
- Equality: labour market, housing, education
- Intersectionality: gender, origin, age
- Contemporary conceptualisations on gender debates
- Migration and the labour market
- Gender and migration
- Admission and integration policies
- Social dialogue and industrial relations
- Management of cultural diversity
- Intergenerational dynamics in the labour market
- Community networks and sustainable environment
- Social housing
- Urban structures and social inequalities