About us
Staff Members
Associated researchers
Berta Güell Torrent. Doctoral Researcher at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) working on ethnic entrepreneurship, particularly on the Pakistani business in the city of Barcelona. berta.guell@gmail.com
Deborah Bekele. Doctoral Researcher at Universitat de Barcelona (UB). She has a BA in Socio-Cultural Anthropology (UMD, USA) and an MSc in Social Epidemiology (UCL, UK).
Prof. Eleonore Kofman. Co-Director of the Social Policy Research Centre and Migration Law and Policy Unit. Joint Research Leader Department of Law and Politics. Middlesex University (UK). E.Kofman@mdx.ac.uk
Roisin Davis. Doctoral Researcher at UCLA, worked as a Junior Researcher at the ESRU on the PROSINT project. She holds a BA in Sociology ad an MA on Social Economy by the University of Barcelona, and currently lives in New York, NY (USA) where she works as a literary agent, producer and editor.
Dr. Martina Klett-Davies. Research Consultant and Guest Lecturer at the Department of Sociology and the Department of Geography and Environment at the London School of Economics. M.K.Davies@lse.ac.uk
Dr. Miguel Pajares Alonso. President of the Asociació Catalana d’Ajut al Refugiat and ex-respesentative at the OECD for Spain on issues of Immigration and Labour Market. pajares.miguel@gmail.com
Miguel Ángel Aguilar. Coordinating prosecutor of the Service for Hate Crimes and Discrimination (Prosecutor’s Office of Barcelona).
Dr. Isabelle Carles. Senior Lecturer Université Libre de Bruxelles, Metices
Prof. Fabio Perocco. Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia fabio.perocco@unive.it
Dr. Ariadna Solé. Doctor in Social Anthropology, researcher of Group on Exclusion and Social Control (GRECS). ariadnasole@ub.edu
Ana Perez Declercq. Lecturer University of Salta (Argentina). aperezdeclercq@gmail.com
Arlette Martínez. BA in Anthropology from Concordia University and is currently enrolled in the Masters of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). She was involved in the ESRU’s CITISPYCE and PRISM projects. arlette.y.martinez@gmail.com
Claudia Palma. Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Anthropology of the Universidad de Costa Rica. clau.palmacampos@icloud.com
Dr. Joan Castellví, Reader and Head of the Department of General Linguistics at the University of Barcelona, Director of the postgraduate program ‘Immigration and Reception’ (Immigració i Acollida), UB. joan.castellvi@ub.edu
Dr. Jose Sanchez. Doctor in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Associated Lecturer at the Universitat Autònoma de Bareclona. jose.sanchez@uab.cat
Laura Guijarro. Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Anthropology of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). lauraguij@hotmail.com
Lola Valles. Doctoral Researcher at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB).
Luke Stobart. Doctoral Researcher at the University of Hertfordshire l.stobart@herts.ac.uk
Martín Frasso. Junior Researcher at Universitat de Barcelona (UB). martinfrasso@gmail.com
Mona Hemmaty. Doctoral researcher in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Lund University, graduated in Political Science and Economics and with a MA Sociology from Lund University. mona.hemmaty@gmail.com
Dr. Megan Comfort, Doctor in Sociology, Senior Research Sociologist in the Urban Health Program at RTI International and Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. mcomfort@rti.org
Dr. Nadja Monet. Doctor in Anthropology, Associated Lecturer at the Social Anthropology Department of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. nadja.monnet@uab.cat
Renata Capella. Researcher & analyst specialized in human rights and the Middle East and lecturer at UB summer courses. renatacapella@hotmail.com
Dr. Queralt Solé Barjau. Reader at the Department of Contemproary History, Universitat de Barcelona. queraltsole@ub.edu
Krizia Nardini. Doctoral candidate in anthropology and gender at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) knardini@uoc.edu
Aidan McGovern Researcher
Benedetta Brunzano completed an internship on immigration at the ESRU. benedetta.brunazzo@gmail.com
Martina Pasqualetto completed an internship on immigration and the labour market at the ESRU. martina.pasqualetto89@gmail.com
Núria Mutilva completed her internship for the Postgraduate ‘Immigration and Reception’ (Immigració i Acollida) at the ESRU. nuria.mutilva@gmail.com
Anna Salvia completed her internship for the Postgraduate ‘Immigration and Reception (Immigració i Acollida) at the ESRU. anna.salvia@hotmail.es
ESRU also has links with different international institutions for ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility for Training
What do we do
- Inequalities: gender, origin, age
- Identity and diversity
- Social cohesion and discrimination
- Resilience
- Equality: labour market, housing, education
- Intersectionality: gender, origin, age
- Contemporary conceptualisations on gender debates
- Migration and the labour market
- Gender and migration
- Admission and integration policies
- Social dialogue and industrial relations
- Management of cultural diversity
- Intergenerational dynamics in the labour market
- Community networks and sustainable environment
- Social housing
- Urban structures and social inequalities