Dr. Olga Jubany
Director of the European Social research Unit
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Dr. Olga Jubany
Olga Jubany is Doctor by the London School of Economics and Political Science, currently Full Professor at the Social Anthropology Department. She is Director of the European Social Research Unit, and coordinator of the research Group on Gender, Identity and Diversity (GENI) at the Universitat de Barcelona. She is a social anthropologist, author of several investigations and publications in the fields of identity, social exclusion and social control from the ethnographic tradition of anthropology. Adopting the intersectional approach, her work engages in topics of gender, racism, migration, with particular focus on comparative multi-sited research within the European framework. She’s currently conducting research on the specific areas of migration and asylum, online hate speech, LGBT-phobia, and victims’ support systems.
Jointly with Saskia Sassen, Dr. Jubany is currently Editor of the Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship Series of Palgrave Macmillan, having taken over in January 2019 from Robin Cohen and Zig Layton-Henry.
Prof. Jubany has a long international trajectory and is nominated Expert at the Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Commission, having participated both in the 7th Framework Programme and in the Horizon 2020 Programme. She is member of the Spanish Delegation of the Consejero de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain (MINECO) for the Research Group on Societal Challenges and JRC of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. Dr. Jubany is also the UB representative for the Working Group Social Challenges for the Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Españolas (CRUE) and is actively involved with the League of European Research Universities (LERU).
Her current research includes being the Principal Investigator and Coordinator for MORE. Motivations, experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives and EXIT: Exploring Sustainable Strategies to Counteract Territorial Inequalities from an Intersectional Approach, funded by the EU Horizon Europe programme. She is also the Principal Investigator for Spain of the project INCA. Increase corporate political responsibility and accountability.
Recently, she has been the Principal Investigator and Coordinator of already concluded projects LetsGoByTalking: Innovative paths through restorative justice for victims of anti-LGBT hate crimes and SupportVoC: Development of a Generic Support Services Model to enhance the Rights of Victims of Crime (funded both by the Justice Programme of the EU) and the Principal Investigator in Spain for REACT: Respect and Equality: Acting and Communicating Together (funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme – REC – of the EU), having also recently concluded the research and coordination of DIVERCITY: Preventing and Combating Homo- and Transphobia in Small and Medium Cities across Europe (funded by the REC Programme of the EU). Other recent researches include the projects PRISM: Preventing, Redressing and Inhibiting Hate Speech in New Media, funded by the EC DG Justice (2013-2016); and the FP7 project CITISPYCE: Combating Inequalites through Innovative Social Practices of and for Young People in Cities across Europe (2012-2016). Previously she was also the international coordinator for the investigations LinkAge: Labour Market Integration of Vulnerable Age Groups through Social Dialogue funded by the DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion (2011-2013); TEAM: Trade Unions, Economic Change, and Active Inclusion of Migrant Workers (2010-2012) under DG Employment, Social Affairs, and Equality, and the scientific coordinator for GENDERACE: The use of racial anti-discrimination laws: gender and citizenship in a multicultural context, funded by the EC FP7-SSH programme (2007-2010), in addition to participating in PROSINT: Promoting Sustainable Policies for Integration, funded from EC- DG of Justice, Freedom and Security. Dr. Jubany regularly participates in national and international conferences and debates.
Prof. Jubany’s recent publications include:
- Ibarra, M. I., & Jubany, O. (2024). The symbolic materiality of land from a gender lens: an intersectional analysis of Mapuche women’s oppressions, struggles and political strategies. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 1–15.
- Jubany, O., & Mayblin, L. (2024). Asylum, welfare and colonialism in Europe: Who belongs, and who deserves? Social Sciences, 13(11), 620.
- Domínguez Ruiz, I. E.; Rué, A. & Jubany, O. (2024). ‘When will you go back to “real” police work?’ The liminal nature of victim support police officers. Police Practice and Research.
- Domínguez Ruiz, I.E., Jubany, O., Roiha, M. & Rué, A. (2024). Superando la ambigüedad: métodos mixtos para el diseño de una encuesta de victimización queer. Política Criminal, 19(37) (Julio 2024), Art. 14, pp. 386-404.
- Rué, A., & Jubany, O. (2023). La “desresponsabilización” del Estado. Una mirada etnográfica a la externalización del asilo desde el sistema de recepción. Migraciones. Publicación del Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones, (58), 1-18.
- Jubany, O.; Roca, J.; Mancinelli, F. (eds.) (2023) Categorías desbordadas: cuestionando etiquetas, jerarquías y alteridades. Barcelona: Bellaterra Edicions.
- Jubany, O. (2023) Disappearing rooms. The hidden theaters of immigration law. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
- Domínguez Ruiz, I. E.; Rué, A.; Jubany, O. (2023) Police Resilience as a Multilevel Balance: Needs and Resources for Victim Support Officers. Police Quarterly, 26(2), 213-244.
- Domínguez Ruiz, I. E., Rué, A. & Jubany, O. (2023) Drawing a line: boundary work in victim support police work. Policing and Society.
- Jubany, O.; Klett-Davies, M.; Roiha, M. (2022) Problematising the Victims’ Rights Directive From the Ground: The Implementation of Victim Support Services in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Spain. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice.
- Domínguez Ruiz, I. E.; Roiha, Malin; Jubany, O. (2022) Restorative solutions for anti-LGBT victimisation experiences: potential pathways for victims’ wellbeing and key challenges and needs. Culture, Health & Sexuality.
- Jubany, O.; Rué, A. (2022) “Whose Welfare State? A Racialised Logic to [Un]Protect Immigration and Asylum in Spain”. En Perocco, F. (ed.) Racism in and for the Welfare State. London: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 141-163. ISBN: 978-3-031-06070-0
- Jubany, O., Langarita Adiego, J. A., Mas Grau, J. (2021) “There is LGBTQ Life beyond the Big City”: Discourses, Representations and Experiences in Two Medium-Sized Spanish Cities. Journal of Homosexualitites.
- Jubany, O., Rué, A. (2020) The [dis]order of the Spanish asylum reception system. In Sacramento, O., E. Challinor, & P.G. Silva, (Eds.) Quest for refuge: Reception responses from the Global North. Famalicão: Humus.
- Jubany, O. (2020) The Unspoken Legacy of Asylum: Racism, nationalism and the neocolonialist underpinnings in the social construction of asylum and asylum policies. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism. Wiley Blackwell.
- Jubany, O. (2020) Intersecciones encarnadas. In Intersecciones encarnadas. [Con]textos en género, identidad y diversidad. Eds: Olga Jubany/ Oscar Guasch. Publisher: Edicions Bellaterra.
- Jubany, O., Guasch, O.(eds.) (2020) Intersecciones encarnadas. [Con]textos en género, identidad y diversidad. Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra.
- Jubany, O., Lázaro Castellanos, R. (2020) The Gender and Racial Construction of the Working Class: Temporary Mobility of Mexican Women Workers to the US and Canada. Gender Issues. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12147-020-09258-z
- Lázaro Castellanos, R.; Jubany, O. (2019) Precariedad laboral, segregación racializada y movilidad temporal de mujeres. Quaderns, 35 pp. 23-40
- Jubany, O.; Pascualetto, M.; Rué, A. (2019) Vulnerable to the System: Torture and Migration in Spain. In Torture and Migration, Sapere l’Europa 5, Edizioni Ca’Foscari
- Jubany, O.; Más Grau, J.; Roiha, M. (2019) From universal rights to individual protection: The application of the “Victims’ Directive” across Europe. SupportVoc co-funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme.
- Jubany, O.; Lázaro Castellanos, R. (2019) Virtual Platforms, Real Racism: Online Hate Speech in Europe in Flubacher, M-C & Hägi-Mead, S. Taboo and Transgression Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration, Integration, and Diversity, Technische Universität Dresden
- Langarita, J.A; Mas Grau, J.; Jubany, O. (2019) Geografías de la diversidad sexogenérica más allà de la gran ciudad: experiencias, discursos y prácticas en dos ciudades medianas de Cataluña. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, vol. 65, 3 p. 473-492
- (2019) Multiculturalism in crisis?, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42:8, 1341-1345 , O.
- Mas Grau, J. and Jubany, O. (2019) De la révolution sexuelle à l’inclusion sociale des expressions LGBT+. Le processus d’obtention des droits LGBT en Espagne, Droit et cultures, 77, 53-68.
- Jubany, O.and Carles, I. (2019) Présentation, Towards an experiential, intersectional and situated approach on sexual and gender diversity. Droit et cultures, 77, 9-20
- Jubany, O. and Güell, B. (2018) Barcelona: Trinitat Nova and Raval. In Local Matters: How neighbourhoods and services affect the social inclusion and exclusion of young people in European cities. Eds.: Simon Güntner/ Louis Henri Seukwa/ Anne-Marie Gehrke/ Jill Robinson. Publisher: Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main
- Jubany, O. and Roiha, M. (2018) Las palabras son armas. Discurso de odio en la red. Barcelona: Edicions UB.
- Jubany, O. (2017). Unmasking the Cultural Construction of Asylum Screening at the Border, in Gerard, A., & Vecchio, F. Entrapping Asylum Seekers. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
- Jubany, O. (2017). Screening asylum in a culture of disbelief: Truths, Denials, and Skeptical Borders. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
- Lázaro Castellanos, R., and Jubany Baucells, O. (2017). Interseccionalidad del género y mercado de trabajo postfordista. La ventana. Revista de estudios de género, 5(46), 202-243.
- Jubany, O. (2016). “Background, Experiences and Responses to Online Speech: An Ethnographic Multi-sited Analysis”, at 2nd Annual International Conference on Social Science and Contemporary Humanity Development, Wuhan, Hubei, China, 15-17 July 2016. Atlantis Press.
- Jubany, O. (2016). “International migration into Europe: from subjects to abjects”. Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies. Vol 39, Issue 12, June 2016.
- Jubany, O.; Caponio T. and Güell, B. (2015) Civic integration policies from below: Accounting for processes of convergence and divergence in four European cities. Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies -208. Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group: ISSN:0141-9870
- Jubany, O. i Perocco, F. (eds) (2015) Vulnerable Workers in Times of Social Transformations: Discrimination and Participation of Young and Older Workers, and Social Dialogue Stances. Società e trasformazioni social, num 2, Edizioni Ca Foscari.
- Jubany, O. and Davis, R. (2014) Trade Unions and migration in Europe: the modern paradox of workforce diversity. In Sperotti, E. (ed) “How Global Migration Changes the Workforce Diversity Equation”. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. UK.
- Jubany, O. (ed.) (2014) LinkAge: Labour market integration of vulnerable age groups. Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona.
- Jubany, O. and Davis, R. (2014) Immigrazione e dialogo sociale in Europe: un approccio empíricon. In: Carrera, F and Galossi, E. (eds) “Immigrazione e sindicato: Lavoro, cittadinanza e rappresentanza”. Ediesse, Roma, It. http://www.ires.it/contenuti/immigrazione-e-sindacato-vii-rapporto
- Jubany, O. (2013) “Fortress Europe: dispatches from a gated continent”. Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies. Vol 36, Issue 11, October 2013
- Lázaro, R. and Jubany, O. (2012) “Mujeres de origen inmigrante: cuerpos y subjetividades en movimiento”,Ra Ximhai, 8 (1), Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México, p. 169-180
- Jubany, O. (2012) No return, no refuge: rites and rights in minority repatriation – Review.Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies Vol “iFirst”. January 2012
- Jubany, O. and Güell, B. (Ed.) (2012) “Final Report. Trade Unions, Economic Change and Active Inclusion of Migrant Workers”.
- Jubany, O. and Güell, B. in collaboration with Davis, R. and Mutilva, N. (2011) The national policy frame for the integration of newcomers in Spain. PROSINT country report WP2,
- Jubany, O.(2011)Transnational Professionals and their Cosmopolitan Universes. Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies Vol. 32-1, pp 191- 208. Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group ISSN: 0141-9870
- Jubany, O.(2011)Constructing truths in a culture of disbelief; Understanding asylum screening from within.International Sociology 26 (1) pp. 74-94 Sage Publications.
- Jubany, O., & Pajares, M., eds. (2011) Sindicatos e Inmigración en Europa: 1999-2009: Análisis Comparativo de las dinámicas y acciones de los sindicatos en Europa. Series Análisis Contemporáneo (pp 1-203). Icaria Antrazyt Ediciones.