dr. Malin Roiha
dr. Malin Roiha
Malin Roiha has a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Barcelona. Her research interests include areas related to gender, racism, hate speech and hate crimes, access to justice, and digital anthropology.
At the ESRU she is responsible for the elaboration of research proposals for calls at the European level, and is currently involved in the EXIT and MORE European projects.
Dr. Roiha’s recent publications and working papers include:
- Domínguez Ruiz, I.E. & Roiha, M. (2024). Restorative Justice and Anti-LGBT Hate Crimes: Experiences and Disparities from the Ground, Droit et cultures, 86 | 2024/1, DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/130dg
- Domínguez Ruiz, I.E., Jubany, O., Roiha, M., & Rué, A. (2024). Beyond Ambiguity: Mixed Methods for the Design of a Queer Victimisation Survey. Política criminal, 19(37), 385-403. https://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-33992024000100385
- Roiha, M. (2023) “El discurso de odio online por razón de género: Percepciones, categorizaciones y contradicciones”. In: Jubany, O.; Roca, J.; Mancinelli, F. (eds.) Categorías desbordadas: cuestionando etiquetas, jerarquías y alteridades. Barcelona: Bellaterra Edicions.
- Jubany, O.; Klett-Davies, M.; Roiha, M. (2022) Problematising the Victims’ Rights Directive From the Ground: The Implementation of Victim Support Services in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Spain. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice.
- Domínguez Ruiz, I. E.; Roiha, Malin; Jubany, O. (2022) Restorative solutions for anti-LGBT victimisation experiences: potential pathways for victims’ wellbeing and key challenges and needs. Culture, Health & Sexuality.
- Mas Grau, J., Rué, A., Roiha, M. (2020) Hegemonías sexo-genéricas en los sistemas de asilo y protección social. El caso de las personas refugiadas LGTB+. In Intersecciones encarnadas. [Con]textos en género, identidad y diversidad. Eds: Olga Jubany/ Oscar Guasch. Publisher: Edicions Bellaterra.
- Jubany, O.; Más Grau, J.; Roiha, M. (2019) From universal rights to individual protection: The application of the “Victims’ Directive” across Europe. SupportVoc co-funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme.
- Jubany, O. and Roiha, M. (2018) Las palabras son armas. Discurso de odio en la red. Barcelona: Edicions UB.
- Jubany, O. and Roiha, M. (2018)Counter-narratives to online hate speech: Conceptualizations, constructions and lessons learned. REACT Work Package 2 Qualitative Comparative Report
- Jubany, O. and Roiha, M. (2015) Backgrounds, Experiences and Responses to Online Hate Speech: A Comparative Cross-Country Analysis. PRISM Workstream 1 Comparative Report.
- Roiha, M, Jubany, O and Güell, B (2013) Barcelona: Symptoms and causes of inequality affecting young people, CITISPYCE Work Package 2 City Report
- Saccinto, E., Vallès, L., Hilterman, E. , Roiha, M., Pietrantoni, L. and Pérez-Testora, C (2013) “Perceived Self-efficacy during an Emergency Situation Reduces Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms” in The Spanish Journal of Psychology, Volume 16, January 2013
- Roiha, M, Vallès, L. & Jubany, O. (2012) “El comportamiento humano en situaciones de crisis: resultados de un estudio europeo sobre víctimas de emergencias y la actuación de los profesionales”, Revista Catalana de Seguretat Pública, No 25, March 2012.