Category Archives: Events

Seminari REACT

  The European Social Research Unit (ESRU) organises the Seminar #REACT ‘Las contranarrativas contra el discurso de odio’ for the project REACT co-financed by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC) of the EU. The seminar will take place on the 11th of December at the Sala de Juntes of the Faculty of Geography and […]

Study Visit SupportVoC

Today starts the Study Visit from the project @SupportVoc which will foster the exchange of experiences and approaches on the protection of victims of crime among actors from Cyprus, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece and Spain. Today’s session will include a presentation of the project, an overview of the current situation of the support network for victims […]

IV Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR

On September 5 Jordi Mas i Olga Jubany will present “Las políticas LGTB+ fuera de la gran ciudad. El caso de Sabadell (Cataluña)” at the ‘IV Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR. Encuentros Diálogos y Relatos desde los Sures’ that will take place in Granada (Spain) 4-7 September. Las políticas LGTB+ fuera de la gran ciudad. El […]

Cicle de Conferències sobre Gènere Salut i Igualtat

On 17 May, International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, our colleague Jordi Mas will speak about how to prevent and combat LGBTphobia through the results of the project Divercity at the last session of the Conferences on Gender, Health and Equality, organized by the Commission on Equality of Universitat de Barcelona.  

Jornada Feminisme Decolonial

Yesterday, the Aula Magna of the Facultat de Geografia i Història hosted the session ‘Más allá del feminismo blanco, una aproximación feminista decolonial a problemáticas actuales’, organised by the Casa Iberoamericana de la Mujer and GENI. Sirin Adlbi, Úrsula Santa Cruz, Diana Al-Rahmoun and Florencia Brizuela engaged us with compelling and challenging contributions. For those […]

Book – Screening Asylum in a Culture of Disbelief

Date of event: Sat, 02/12/2017 Place: Washington DC, US Olga Jubany presented her new book Screening Asylum in a Culture of Disbelief, edited by Palgrave MacMillan, at the American Anthropological Association’s 2017 Meeting in Washington. Presenting @OlgaJB's book SCREENING ASYLUM IN A CULTURE OF DISBELIEF at #AmAnth17 ! — Palgrave Sociology (@PalgraveSoc) December 2, 2017

SupportVoC – Start of new project

Today we inaugurate the project SupportVoC, on support of victims of crime, with a Kick-Off Meeting in Barcelona. SupportVoC is a international and interdisciplinary project which addresses the promotion and protection of the rights of victims of crime through the analysis of the implementation of Directive 2012/29/EU and further development of a model of standard procedures […]

Seminar on innovation in social sciences and humanities

Date of event: Thu, 17/11/2016 Place of event: Facultat de Filologia de la Universitat de Barcelona, edifici Josep Carner. Sala del professorat, 5a planta. Carrer Aribau, 2. Barcelona On November 17th, the ESRU director Olga Jubany will participate in a seminar on innovation in social sciences and humanities, organized by the Fundació Bosch i Gimpera. For […]