Professor Olga Jubany, director of the ESRU, has recently published the chapter The Unspoken Legacy of Asylum Racism, Nationalism, and the Neo‐colonialist Social Construction of Asylum Policies within The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism, published by Wiley.
The chapter analyses the asylum phenomenon from the perspective of the social construction of otherness, and it does so thanks to the research of modern asylum in the inter-war years. The different constructions of “legality” and “illegality” are understood as part of a construction of otherness, and as such the chapters shows the centrality of ideas of “us” and “them” around the asylum Convention. The chapter further expands the ramifications of modern asylum, explaining its relations with neo-colonial logics that reproduce knowledge forms and racial, religious, and gender classifications.
More information and the chapter are available on the publisher’s website.